In recent times, the relationship between the Shuar and their neighbors has gotten better. In the past, relationships have been a little more hostile. In the 1500s, the Spaniards first made contact with the Shuar. At first, this contact was "friendly". There was trading going on between the two and things were looking good. Then the Spanish tried to colonize the Shuar and tax them, but were met with the sheer force of the Shuar. The Shuar resisted, killing thousands of Spaniards and were left alone. In the 1900s, peaceful contact was made by missionaries. Schools were set up along with trading. Recently, many of the Shuar have lost their land from Ecuador and Peru due to oil findings in their land. However, Ecuador has set up a land preserve for the Shuar that is supposed to be protected. Till this day, there is still distrust, even between different tribes of Shuar people. Some men bring rifles into the woods when they are going to gather foods in the event that they "see another Shuar".
Ecuador is also trying to sell off some gold-enriched land to China, however the Shuar occupy this land, and will rest.
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